Jeremiah 29:13
When times are tough, how are we supposed to trust that God is watching over us? If you’re going through a difficult time, watch this video and be encouraged that even when time seems to stand still, God promises to be with you. Written by Xochitl Dixon. Presented by Alisha Perry. Subscribe for email or text notifications at
Proverbs 10:12
Struggling to love people who wronged you? We all do. The good news is the Bible teaches us why it’s important to love even the unlovable.
Watch today’s video to gain wisdom on the power of loving others.
Written by Joyce Dinkins. Presented by Toni Collier.
Subscribe for email or text notifications at About Our Daily Bread: Our Daily Bread Ministries helps millions of people connect with God each day.
For more than 75 years, our purpose has remained the same: to reach people with the life-changing wisdom of the Bible.
Matthew 6:11
Worry can sneak into our minds easily, especially when we think about the future. Thankfully, God provides our everyday needs and invites us to participate in the process. Today’s video teaches we can ask God to “give us our daily bread” and be assured that He will.
Written and presented by Bree Rostic. Subscribe for email or text notifications at About Our Daily Bread: Our Daily Bread Ministries helps millions of people connect with God each day. For more than 75 years, our purpose has remained the same: to reach people with the life-changing wisdom of the Bible.
Ephesians 5:16–19 Turning away from bad habits is challenging even with the support of self-help resources and our own willpower. When attempting to overcome our bad habits seems hopeless, we can turn towards God who has already overcome all evil. Tune in to this video and be encouraged. Written by Xochitl Dixon. Presented by Alisha Perry.
1 Thessalonians 5:16–18.
Often we focus on the things we don’t have rather than the things we do have. Regardless of our material blessings, we can all rejoice and give thanks to God for meeting our biggest need through His Son. Watch Daniel Ryan Day share a time when God reminded him how to be thankful in all things.
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Acts 16:25–26 What are you thinking about right now? Some studies say we’re more likely to have a negative thought than a positive one. Thankfully God gave us the power to change our thoughts from negatives to positives. Learn how music can have a huge impact on our minds in today’s video. Written and presented by Laura L. Smith.
Isaiah 64:6 Our culture tells us that we need to strive for perfection, but God offers a different message. Watch this video to learn how we can live in the freedom of Christ.
Genesis 2:3 There will always be one more thing on our to-do list, and sometimes we feel like we don’t have time to relax. But even God rested, so shouldn’t we take note of that? In this “go, go, go” world, let’s consider how we might have an even greater impact if we obey God’s command to rest.
In Exodus 33, Moses fears his ability to lead his people through the wilderness. Have you ever doubted your capabilities? Watch today’s video and be encouraged that God will be with you as you face challenges.
While all the gospel books work together to paint a picture of Jesus, the apostle John writes using the theme of glory. John specifically presents Jesus as the Lord of glory because He humbled Himself on a cross so that we could be at home in heaven with Him. Con Campbell explains. Written and presented by Con Campbell.
Hosea 14:1. Have you ever been in a big fight with someone you love? Coming back together after a rift can be tense and awkward. But there is beauty and power in a restored relationship. Watch the video and learn about restoration from Hosea. Written and performed by Marvin Williams:
Mark 3:31–35 Many of us think that the people we call “family” are the same people God calls our family. As believers, we know that God’s family isn’t tied to biology but to our faith in Christ. Tune in to this video for a reminder of the true definition of family. Written and presented by Skot Welch.
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace.
I believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God that was born of a virgin and lived among us so that we might know God. The Bible is the infallible Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and contains every answer to man’s problems.
The birth of Jesus
The Flight into Egypt
Temptation of Jesus
Peter and Andrew called
Sermon on the Mount
The Lord's Prayer
Judge not Others
The Centurion's Faith
Calling of Matthew - Jesus Heals the Afflicted
Mission of the Disciples
Why do you hate God so much that you don't want to hear about His love for you?
Street preaching in Preston England when things go wrong and a passerby decides to disturb message, some may call this a spiritual attack, but Praise God for how street preaching went. Street preacher Joe Kirby.
CALL SIN, SIN a must see if you question if you are saved or not.
The perfect words in the perfect order, for our salvation so that we can live with a perfect God.
Right is now wrong and wrong is now right... I weep...
You won't leave here like you came in Jesus' name.
no te irás de aquí como viniste en el nombre de Jesús.
Thanks to my wife Lady Angela Gayle
Books Written By Rev Gayle Sr.
The Village _Epilepsy Information
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